Showing posts with label Web Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web Design. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Color and Typography in website Design


There is no doubt about it – color and typography that we choose for a website design has a huge impact on multiple aspects of our website including readability, mood, perceived article length, user experience and much, much more. It is absolutely essential that designers know and understand about color and typography that create a pleasing design, in order to properly portray the vision and mood of the website they design. Lets start with color.

Color Matters a lot

Color represents emotional response :

Color is the most critical visual element of most user interfaces. And that’s because color has associated meanings that create emotional responses and those emotional responses will either drive us to what is intended or it will drive us to something that was not intended. Either way you have to be aware of how the color is influencing your behavior. Everyone of us are aware of primary,secondary and tertiary colors.

Using them accordingly in our website is the important thing, let us learn some basic features about the usage of colors.
Take a look at this interface design, This is for a sleep meditation app.
Its goal is, a sort of help to make you relax and get into a meditative state so that you can sleep better.
Here, Do u see a ton of contrast ? Do u see stark (sharp) black and white colors? Do u see bright ,day glow, screaming colors? No…..
You see sort of this nice peach orangey type color with a nice tan background and baby blue. Header up here and a typeface that is sort of very friendly and welcoming and says sleep, goals. Everything is very sort of sedate and subtle, and pleasant. This shows the instance where color use is very much inline with the intended emotional response.
Usage of meaningful colors ( Color conveys meaning without saying):
Color also delivers symbolic meanings that support and enhance the visual experience in the elements of a design. There is an intended idea or concept that meant to be communicated, and color goes a long way in helping reinforce that. And of course , the idea to be communicated almost goes through the meanings of colors without saying.
Red Promotes                            : power, importance, youth
Orange Promotes                     : friendliness, energy, uniqueness
Yellow Promotes                      : happiness, enthusiasm, antiquity (darker shades)
Green Promotes                       : growth, stability, financial themes, environmental themes
Blue Promotes                          : calm, safety, openness (lighter shades), reliability (darker shades)
Purple Promotes                      : luxury, romance (lighter shades), mystery (darker shades)
Black Promotes                        : power, edginess, sophistication
White Promotes                       : cleanliness, virtue, simplicity
Gray Promotes                         : neutrality, formality, melancholy
Beige Promotes                         : traits of surrounding colors
Ivory Promotes                         : comfort, elegance, simplicity
Evaluating proper colour use for your website :
Evaluate color in your design by asking these questions.

  • Are colours used sparingly ?
  • Do my colors reinforce or interfere with hierarchy and content?
  • Is my color scheme used consistently?
  • Is my color used functionally or it is just decorative?
  • Does functionality depend on color?

Remember, the primary goal for choosing your font should be readability. Since Internet readers have little patience, you’ll want to make their experience on your site as easy and pleasant as possible.

Bold vs regular fonts:

When the information is different you use different style.
Same thing can also be done with font weight.
Bold fonts are regularly used for titles and subheadings, but they can also be used to highlight key words and phrases. But, if you start capitalizing entire sentences, your audience may feel like you’re shouting at them.
This example shows the several differences in font weight that communicate the hierarchy of information.

Heading is separate from the categories appear below. Gray subtle faint dates are associated with month and year. Here weight of font follows the hierarchy of heading, text, dates, month and year. The weight of font represents visual weight which allows us to discern between on type of information and the next.

Evaluating proper use of typography:
  • Identify different types of content: headlines, body bullets, charts etc.
  • Create specific styles for each : font, weight, colour.
  • Apply these styles consistently on every screen
  • This consistency enhances usability, increases comprehension and improves overall user experience.
Finally, experiment with color and typography! Use digital image tools such as Photoshop and try to apply different colors and typography to your images. Don’t necessarily settle on your first choice. Study websites which you think that they use colors effectively and take note of the combinations used. Being aware of color and typography and its use, will give you the confidence to create effective, aesthetically pleasing websites.
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Creating a Customer Profile For Your Business

What makes up a customer profile? It depends on whether your customers are businesses or consumers. In either case, you typically start with your own customer data (such as location, purchases, spending volume), append additional consumer or business data, then group into segments that share similar characteristics. Customer profiling provides much needed structure to a marketing plan. It helps you (and us) understand what the ideal customer is looking for, what matters to them most and how best to speak to them.  

  In one of our previous articles, ‘Marketing strategy defined success’, we have slightly touched the meaning and role of customer persona for business: The important element of any market research is to understand who is that person you are targeting. Male or female? Teenager or retiree? Single or Married? What does he/she like? And many more questions that you need to answer before starting your planning. In the world of marketing, this is known as creating customer persona’. Below we provide an example of the customer persona created by Brightspark Social Media, a digital marketing agency:  

  One of the most common mistakes small businesses make as they try to grow is attempting to be everything to everyone. “Tapping into” a new market seems lucrative and exciting, and very often, the leap is made even before proper research is done into whether that market is suitable or even brand-aligned. To truly understand a consumer group (especially the one you already have), more effort needs to be put into diving deeper than the surface. At the end of the day, truly understanding and meeting your consumers’ needs is the key to a thriving business. So how do you go about getting to know your consumers in a deeper, more relatable way? And how do you put that information into a ‘consumer profile’ to benefit your business? By outlining all the details including age, job position, preferred communication methods and the main needs and wants with regards to digital services, Brightspark Social Media is a successful business, as they know everything about their clients! Sounds great, right? There is no fixed set of points that you have to include in your company’s customer persona. Are you opening a beauty saloon? Find out what beauty products your clients use; how often they go for haircut or manicure; what beauty pages they follow on Facebook. Are you starting a fast-food chain? Explore what the eating habits of your customers are: how often they eat; meat-lovers or vegetarians; prefer eat outside or order delivery? We can provide thousands example, but only you know your business better than anyone else! Take a piece of paper, describe your business in 5-6 points and start building your customer persona based on it. Surveys, interviews, and social media websites are also your best friends in this journey!

Start with the data you have

Look first to the data that is most readily available – usually, this will be the data that you obtain from Facebook, Google Analytics, and other platforms like Adwords. This will give you the basic demographic data of your consumer base, such as age, gender, and location. From here, you can identify your ‘typical’ customer by looking at the age range, gender, and location that comes up the most. You can then extend your hypothesis a little to include factors like spending power, disposable income, marital status, etc. After identifying your main consumer, you can also make note of smaller categories that you may be able to target in the future.

Look beyond demographics

Next, take your consumer profile a step further by filling out the details a little more. Consider the lifestyle that your typical consumer leads. Do they travel? Go to the gym? Shop online? Consider also their knowledge and skills – are they tech savvy? Are they mobile? Are they familiar with the product you are selling? Finally, consider the issues your consumers face, and how your product gives them a solution. Once you have this consumer profile set up, target your communications to match this profile to make yourself relatable and “pull” your consumers in (as opposed to “pushing” your product on people). According to ConsumerPsychologist. the study of consumers helps firms and organizations improve their marketing strategies by understanding issues such as how:
  • The psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between different alternatives (e.g., brands, products, and retailers);
  • The psychology of how the consumer is influenced by his or her environment (e.g., culture, family, signs, media);
  • The behavior of consumers while shopping or making other marketing decisions;
  • Limitations in consumer knowledge or information processing abilities influence decisions and marketing outcome;
  • How consumer motivation and decision strategies differ between products that differ in their level of importance or interest that they entail for the consumer; and
  • How marketers can adapt and improve their marketing campaigns and marketing strategies to more effectively reach the consumer.

Consider focus groups/surveys

Even after you set up your consumer profile and begin your marketing plan, it’s always a good idea to run regular focus groups and surveys to continuously check that you are on the right track. In your focus groups/surveys, try to resist focusing purely on ‘business’ – i.e., “What product should I launch?”, or “What price point should I set this at?” Instead, include questions that give you a clearer picture of who your consumer is, and how you can make their lives better. The better you understand your consumer, the more effective your marketing will be – above and beyond details like packaging and price point.

Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Behaviour

The digital era has and will continue to change consumer behavior. Consumers today are not following the traditional tunnel whilst social media has revolutionized the way people converse on a personal level. Brands need to adopt a radical new thinking when approaching digital to stay relevant and drive home their message with impact. According to Intelliassist, the biggest change in consumer behavior is that consumers expect a consistent and personalized experience. Consumers desire and expect personalized messaging from brands. Marketers should connect with them at the right places at right times, which involves increased real-time localization. Modern consumers are not loyal customers, they are more variety seekers. This has left previously logo-heavy companies struggling to assimilate their product to suit modern tastes.  

  The prime change in consumer behavior is that consumers increasingly turn away from anything they perceive as marketing. As consumers are becoming tech savvy they are becoming impatient towards intrusive or irrelevant content and messages. More than 25% smartphone users have installed ad blockers and this number is increasing rapidly. Instead, they look towards small groups of people who have a high level of credibility in their specific industry or category to influence their buying decisions. As consumers spend more time on these social media platforms, decisions about what to purchase often reflect interactions with friends and other influencers. In response, leading marketers are adapting their strategies to reach increasingly networked consumers and placing more stress on tactics such as word-of-mouth marketing and storytelling, which nowadays have a greater impact on marketing decisions of consumers.


Would you want help you with Digital Marketing? Give us a call anytime! The highly-qualified team of provides an unforgettable experience for businesses and their clients through innovative digital solutions. Website design & Mobile Development, Web Application Development services, E-commerce web systems, SEO, Google Adwords and Social Media Marketing (SMM) are just a small part of a wide service portfolio, opening doors to enormous opportunities for your business success. Stay connected with and be the first who will read our next article!